Kevin Flint
Art. Design. Really Neat Things.
The Collab Art Salon was started in 2006 when Kevin, sitting around his loft with nothing to do, invited a few friends over to hang out and chat about creative cool ideas. He did it again the next month, and the next month and ….and within a few months, a hundred people were showing up. And the Collab Art Salon and Creative Mixer was born.
For most of the last 17 years, Collab has been a part of the LA artist community. There have been some breaks here and there as spaces were lost and gained. But in 2022 the new Dystopian Studios II was opened, and Collab found its new permanent home.
The salon is currently being held the last Tuesday of each month, starting at 7:30 PM. The location is 341 South Avenue 17, unit A, Los Angeles CA 90031. Stop by on a Tuesday night and say hello.
Check out the Collab website here for more details.
And be sure to join the ever growing Facebook community here: Collab on Facebook